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Assalamualaikum and welcome everyone!

For your info this E-portfolio is created for ICT subject and I hope that it will give some kind of information and can guide you in study. So enjoy yourself by reading my blog. Much appreciate. Thank you.. :)

“Excellent is the result of the attitudes to always do their best”

Sunday 25 December 2011


Data communication are fast and accurate. Data transmitted over a network will arrive at its destination anywhere in the world in just a few seconds
Searching for data is much faster

Saturday 24 December 2011

My Family



Simulation and Modelling

In this subject, we are exposed to the simulation and modeling.  This analogy is a good method to show the student about the process or something that cannot be seen by our naked eyes especially the process that occur in our body like gaseous exchanges due to the process of respiration. So by using this method it can enhance the student’s understanding. Furthermore, this method also are very interactive where we can change the variable, so that we can make justification about something that will be happen from that changes. Modelling is something that can show the exact process. For example, the pilot can use this method to feel and learn the exact situation when they are in aeroplane. So fantastic the technology that are use today. Other than that, we can use the application of modelling and simulation more than one time if compared to learn from real situation. 

For this subject,we come out with the showing of the ATP generated through the process of light dependent reaction and the simulation about the evolution of the heart where this two things are hard for student to understand. In school, this application also can develope skill and talent of student through the developing models and perfoming simulation.

Friday 23 December 2011


Thursday 22 December 2011

Sem 5

Analytical Chemistry
●Environmental Science
- Proposal project- Solid waste separation and recycling campaign
●Pengajaran, Teknologi dan Penaksiran 1
  - Daily Lesson Plan
  - RPH
●Information, communication technology in science
- PBL- Cyber crime
- Essay Cyber Crime
- PBL- Smart board
- Data Logging- Perspiration of human
- Data Logging- Food Energy
- Simulation and Modelling

Taman Kesenian Islam

At Taman Kesenian Islam, we learn about the 'khat' art where it is use in making of al-quran. So fantastic and beautiful of art.
Data Logging- Food Energy

Saturday 17 December 2011

PBL Cyber Crime

Friday 16 December 2011

Extraction of Insulin Like Compound From Bitter Melon

Saturday 3 December 2011

Reflection Data Logging

Data Logging

What is data logging?

Maybe not all students know about data logging. In ICT subject, I was introduced to the data logging by our lecturer. Data Logger is actually device that can be used to store data. The advantage of data logger is that they can operate independently of computer, unlike many other types of data acquisition devices. Data loggers are available in various shapes and sizes.

What is benefit that we can get from data logging?
  • Measurements are always taken at the right time. Data logger can collect the data for every second that human cannot do.
  • Mistakes are not made in reading the results. Humans can make errors when reading the measurement. For example temperature. It’s more sensitive.
  • Data logging devices can be sent to places that humans can not easily go to. e.g. to the planet Mars, into the bottom of a volcano, or onto a roof to get to a weather station.
  • Graphs and tables of results can be produced automatically by the data logging software. So it can help student to analyze the data quickly. So that they can exchange their idea with their friend.

Reflection PBL

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a curriculum development and delivery system that recognizes the need to development problem solving skills as well as the necessity of helping students to acquire necessary knowledge and skills. For this subject, I had learnt PBL during teaching and learning session.

During PBL session, the proper method to carry out the PBL was taught where we must to assign first a group leader and note taker along the PBL session. Before the session of PBL presentation, our group has organized a meeting to discuss about the learning issue that want to be discovered. Every group members give the point to fulfill the FILA chart that once of the compulsory method in carried out the PBL. All of our group members give full commitment and be punctual during the meeting.
During PBL presentation, many information that are get where all of the groups come out with different opinion and suggestion in solving the problem from the task given. Through this session also, we can elicit our idea when the lecturer ask the question that need us to think and relate with the information that was searched. Every group shows their confidence and give a good response for each question. Furthermore, PBL discussion also can improve our understanding about the topic and increase interpersonal skill between the other group members. The time constrains during the PBL session limit the exchange of idea but we use the time wisely by quickly catch up the information. The lecturer also play a good role as a facilitator in helping and generating the students idea. I’m enjoy with the PBL session and I hope this method can be used and helped my teaching and learning session at the school

Link Classmate

Siti Suriani Ismail

Science Form 5

Science Form 5

Science Form 4

Science Form 4
Science Form 3

Science Form 2

Science Form 2

Science Form 1

Science Form 1

Curriculum Specification

Science Form 1
Science Form 2
Science Form 3
Science Form 4
Science Form 5

Link List

Evolution of heart

Friday 2 December 2011

Link Classmate

HACCP Certified

HACCP Certified

Reflection of ICT

For this semester, I had registered for the subject of Information and Communication Technology in Science. This subject was teached by Associate Professor Dr Sopia Bt. Md Yassin and was assisted by the instructor, Cik Suziati Bt.Ibrahim. For this subject, we was exposed to the application of the ICT. As we know, mostly the teachers in the school doesn’t use the ICT in their teaching and learning because maybe they are not have skilful for using the application of ICT. They are more likely to use chalk when writing at the board as a tool of teaching. I’m be lucky because in my courses, this subject is one of the compulsory subject that need all student to take.

For the first day, I was exposed to the IWB. IWB is one of the application in ICT that teachers should be know to enhance their teaching and learning. For this part, I had tried to use the board. So amazing and fantastic where I can touch, draw and write on the sport at the board. My friends are so excited to use this IWB.

Other than that, I was exposed to the data logging. Data logging is an electronic devise that record data over time. This application can utilize and help student to collect the data quickly during carried out the experiment. This device also can be interface with a personal computer to view and analyze the collected data. So, student can make a relation and will understand the purpose of the experiment when interpret the data. Mostly, the application of the ICT give more benefit and can make something became easier but we are not concern about that. Through this subject also, I get more information and improve my skill in using the application of ICT. The important thing is I had enjoyed when learning this subject...(‘,')

Reflection for interactive white board (IWB)

What do you know about IWB? Firstly, when I heard about the IWB,I think that it likes the usual white board maybe it has a little advance in it but IWB is one of the learning tools that can give the great in demonstration.

In ICT subject,I have learn how to use the application that are present in IWB. For every task that was given, I had used the IWB to present because it can enhance our presentation content by easily integrating by a wide range of material into a lesson such as picture from the internet, a graph from a spread sheet or text from a microsoft word file.

Other than that, interactive electronic whiteboard also has a colorful tool where it can attract the learner to learn. This also can make the teaching and learning method become more interest and not bored in the school. Furthermore, IWB is an interactive where I can touch the screen and make the subject became alive. Application in IWB is one of the good ways that can be applied in school where it can increase motivation of the students which they can enjoy with the interaction of the technology offers.

IWB also can encourage the involvement of learners in the subject and can capture the attention of the learners to learn. I feel so happy when get the chance to use this application of IWB and I hope this application can be use widely in the school because it can give more benefit to the learner and help the teachers to improve their style of teaching.