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Assalamualaikum and welcome everyone!

For your info this E-portfolio is created for ICT subject and I hope that it will give some kind of information and can guide you in study. So enjoy yourself by reading my blog. Much appreciate. Thank you.. :)

“Excellent is the result of the attitudes to always do their best”

Friday 2 December 2011

Reflection of ICT

For this semester, I had registered for the subject of Information and Communication Technology in Science. This subject was teached by Associate Professor Dr Sopia Bt. Md Yassin and was assisted by the instructor, Cik Suziati Bt.Ibrahim. For this subject, we was exposed to the application of the ICT. As we know, mostly the teachers in the school doesn’t use the ICT in their teaching and learning because maybe they are not have skilful for using the application of ICT. They are more likely to use chalk when writing at the board as a tool of teaching. I’m be lucky because in my courses, this subject is one of the compulsory subject that need all student to take.

For the first day, I was exposed to the IWB. IWB is one of the application in ICT that teachers should be know to enhance their teaching and learning. For this part, I had tried to use the board. So amazing and fantastic where I can touch, draw and write on the sport at the board. My friends are so excited to use this IWB.

Other than that, I was exposed to the data logging. Data logging is an electronic devise that record data over time. This application can utilize and help student to collect the data quickly during carried out the experiment. This device also can be interface with a personal computer to view and analyze the collected data. So, student can make a relation and will understand the purpose of the experiment when interpret the data. Mostly, the application of the ICT give more benefit and can make something became easier but we are not concern about that. Through this subject also, I get more information and improve my skill in using the application of ICT. The important thing is I had enjoyed when learning this subject...(‘,')

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